... bis sie gekickt wird... :
* All sites must have content. Any sites found to be consuming our resources with no content, such as sites with a lot of binary files but no HTML, or HTML that merely links to files with no real content behind it, will be removed.
* Sites with excessive pop-ups are not permitted. We have noticed a number of sites that open numerous popup windows, sometimes a dozen or more, when they are loaded. This detracts from the advertising we use to cover the expenses of hosting these sites and makes for poor web site design in general. Any sites found to have an unreasonable number of popups will be removed.
* All sites must be primarily in English. We have received many complaints from our advertisers about non-English content on the web sites we host. As a result, we have been forced to restrict our hosting to sites with primarily English content. Any non-English sites will be removed at our discretion.
Any sites found to be in violation of these policies will be removed.