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Forum » Internet & Co » IFrames - 22 Feb 2025 Antworten
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Win32.Bugbear.B@mm ist ein Internet Wurm der sich per E-Mail verbreitet.

Er benutzt die IFRAME Schwachstelle, um sich ohne Benutzereingriff auszuführen.

Weiß jemand, was mit der IFrame-Schwachstelle gemeint ist, und in welchem Browser die besteht?


"S-púrlawits'chkâ A-ngáse gûrewüdíx" - Zaphrot Bibelprox

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Beiträge: 880

Wohl das hier:


Exploit takes advantage of a security breach in MS Internet Explorer 5.01, 5.5 and Outlook.

Some Internet worms use this breach to activate themselves from HTML e-mail messages. Examples of such worms are: Aliz, BadtransII, Nimda, and Toil.

This vulnerability allows for the opening or previewing of an infected HTML e-mail message to activate any file or program attached to a message without any security warning from MS Internet Explorer. This breach may also be used in any HTML page (as I-Worm.Nimda does).

This security breach in MS Internet Explorer was discovered in March 2001, and described in the Microsoft Security Bulletin at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin /MS01-020.asp.

The patch eliminating this breach was released by Microsoft on 29 March 2001, and is available for downloading at http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/downloads/crit ical/q290108/default.asp.

Quelle: http://www.zdnet.de/itsupport/virencenter/dict/virus/virus4317-wc.html

Und weiter:

A new variation of the Bugbear worm of last September is spreading rapidly across the Internet. Bugbear.b (w32.bugbear.b@mm) is written in Visual C and has been compressed to 72,192 bytes. It is similar to the original Bugbear worm in that it spreads by e-mail or shared network files, attempts to shut down popular antivirus and firewall apps, and opens a port on infected computers for remote administration. Bugbear.b contains a keystroke-logging Trojan horse that could be used to steal passwords or credit-card information from infected computers. Bugbear infects all versions of Windows, but does not infect Mac, Unix, or Linux systems. Because Bugbear is spreading rapidly via e-mail and could steal personal information, this worm rates a 7 on the ZDNet Virus Meter.

How it works
Bugbear contains its own SMTP engine and uses Microsoft Outlook to send copies of itself to all e-mail addresses found on an infected system. It will avoid addresses containing such words as mailer-daemon, postmaster, and spam. The subject of the e-mail is either selected from a long list of variations or taken from a random filename on an infected computer. The body text of the e-mail may contain the I-Frame exploit. Users who have not installed the patch MS01-020 from Microsoft may find that the virus will automatically execute whether or not they open the e-mail in Microsoft Outlook. The attached file has an .exe, .scr, or .pif extension. Bugbear is also capable of attaching two extensions to the attached e-mail file, such as File.xls.exe.

On a network, Bugbear.b waits after infecting the first computer before searching the network drives for additional victims. It tries to infect files in either Program Files or in the Windows folder itself, including those in this list from the antivirus-software vendor F-Secure:

LavasoftAd-aware 6Ad-aware.exe
Zone LabsZoneAlarmZoneAlarm.exe
MSN Messengermsnmsgr.exe
AdobeAcrobat 4.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe
Outlook Expressmsimn.exe
Windows Media Playermplayer2.exe
adobeacrobat 5.0readeracrord32.exe
Internet Exploreriexplore.exe

Bugbear also attempts to terminate any active antivirus and firewall software.

The worm installs a keystroke-logging app in the WindowsSystem directory. The keystroke-logging app uses a random name that contains seven characters followed by .dll.

Finally, the worm opens TCP port 1080 to listen for additional commands or to allow a remote attacker access to the infected system.

Users who have not installed the I-Frame patch (MS01-020) should do so. In general, do not open attached files in e-mail without first saving them to hard disk and scanning them with updated antivirus software. Contact your antivirus vendor to obtain the most current antivirus signature files that include Bugbear.b.

Almost all the antivirus software companies have updated their signature files to include this worm. This will stop the infection upon contact and in some cases will remove an active infection from your system. For more information, see Central Command, Computer Associates, F-Secure, iDefense,McAfee, Messagelabs, Norman, Panda, Sophos, Symantec, and Trend Micro.

Diese Nachricht wurde geändert von: Marcus
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Beiträge: 1324

Und auf der Download-Page für das Patch:

Note: This update is included in Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 2.

Heißt also, im IE 6 besteht die Lücke nicht mehr

"S-púrlawits'chkâ A-ngáse gûrewüdíx" - Zaphrot Bibelprox

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Beiträge: 880

Doch, <5.5 und >6SP1 sind aber nicht mehr infizierbar:

GreyMagic Security Advisory GM#011-IE

By GreyMagic Software, Israel.
15 Oct 2002.

Available in HTML format at http://security.greymagic.com/adv/gm011-ie/.

Topic: Internet Explorer : The D-Day.

Discovery date: 26 Sep 2002.

Affected applications:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6.0; prior versions and IE6 SP1 are not

Note that any other application that uses Internet Explorer's engine
(WebBrowser control) is affected as well (Outlook under the Internet zone,
MSN Explorer, etc.).


The and


Until a patch becomes available either disable Active Scripting or upgrade
to IE6 SP1.

Tested on:

IE5.5 Win98.
IE5.5 NT4.
IE6 Win98.
IE6 Win2000.
IE6 WinXP.


We put together four proof-of-concept demonstrations:

* Simple: Reads the client's "google.com" cookie.
* D-Day Console: Automatically load and execute commands on any site.
* D-Day Reading: Read local files by accessing a res:// URL.
* D-Day Execution: Execute arbitrary programs by accessing a res:// URL.

They can all be found at http://security.greymagic.com/adv/gm011-ie/.


Please mail any questions or comments to security@greymagic.com.

- Copyright © 2002 GreyMagic Software.

Quelle: http://packetstorm.widexs.nl/0210-exploits/gm011-ie.txt

Auch Programme sind ausführbar, bei 5.1 und 5.5

Diese Nachricht wurde geändert von: Marcus
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