Der von uns eingesetzte Webmailer kann, ohne Änderungen, ausgezeichnet als SPAM-Schleuder oder sonstwie missbraucht werden.
Bei uns ist dies nicht möglich, denn wir haben ihn so modifiziert, dass im X-Sender die geöffnete POP3-Box mit angeben wird. Beim Absenden weisen wir den User darauf hin.
I'm not that good at understanding German, but from the quote above I gather that you think that Instant Web Mail (the program used for IG4 and the program that I wrote) can be used for spam purposes.
First of all: How? Instant Web Mail requires you to log in before you send, so unathorized users won't be allowed access.
Secondly: Why didn't you upgrade to the latest version of Instant Web Mail (version 0.61)? In the last few versions, some security problems were fixed.
And by the way: If you knew there was some security hole (I don't think there is - besides the security holes that were fixed in the latests versions), why the h*** didn't you contact me? For open source to work, it is important that the users help develop the programs. If a person finds a security hole in an open source program, he/she shold notify the author of the program immediately.