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Im Homepage und Webhosting-Forum --- New way ti use your content!

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Forum » Recht im Internet - keine Rechtsberatung zur Homepage ! » New way ti use y... - 22 Feb 2025 Antworten
New way ti use your content!

Beiträge: 1

Good day. Proud to present you our project http://www.zipmonster.com/ref2151
ZIPMONSTER is a unique internet solution for file hosting that lets owners of websites, blogs, media portals or any other internet services earn money from file downloads. They key feature of that technology is that user pays AFTER he downloads a file. That way people can make sure that they are getting a stuff they need and after that they are MORE LIKELY to pay for download. Use your chance to increase traffic conversion and PROFIT!

Our main features:
Free file hosting
Enforced protection against hacking archive compared to another similar systems
Debugged protection against DDoS attacks
80% of payment goes to you
7% referral system
Weekly payments with minimal summ only 2$
Bonuses to our big partners
Detailed statistics
Coverage in 74 countries text message and 236 IVR
Credit card support
Extended reception of electronic money such as PayPal, Webmoney, etc.
Additional skins allows totally change the look of the unpacking software
24/7 customer support
Our company is successfully realizing such projects for more than 5 years!

Our global statistic shows, that every thirty pays for file he downloaded. Just try us and you'll see it!
Thank you for your attention

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Forum » Recht im Internet - keine Rechtsberatung zur Homepage ! » New way ti use y...

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2 15.08.2019 10:20 von Andreas John
Kann man einfach Insolvenz gehen?
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Betriebshaftpflicht für Web-Designer sinnvoll?
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4 27.10.2018 10:39 von Galvaho
EAN Codes zwangsweise nötig für Shop?
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